Ovi - Doorway to the Future?

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In this definitive editorial, a week after the Go:Play event, Rafe Blandford looks in detail about Nokia's new Ovi strategy (Music Store, N-Gage, Maps) and its core components and then predicts how it will evolve and connect to other mainstream Internet players over the next few years.

"Last week at the Go Play event in London, Nokia unveiled its new Ovi brand. Ovi, which means door in Finnish, will be a gateway, available on both mobile and PC, to access a full range of software and Internet services both from Nokia itself, and also from third parties. It will be the 'umbrella' brand for Nokia's future efforts as it expands from a focus on mobile devices to also offering a range of Internet services. Ovi is a manifesto for Nokia's view of the digital future, which sees a co-mingling of services from mobile, PC and web into a seamless experience, reached through Nokia's doorway.

The first version of Ovi, available later this year, will include the existing Nokia Maps services, the new N-Gage gaming platform and the new Nokia Music Store. However Ovi will continue to evolve with additional user interface elements, service suites and web communities being added over the course of 2008 and beyond."


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