Recent News - Events - Page 22

Nokia Music Shop launches tomorrow

Last night Nokia UK held a small press event in London where we were told that Nokia's UK Music Shop, first shown off at the Go Play event in August, will launch on Thursday morning (November 1st). Music is priced at 80p per track and £8 for a complete album. Read on for more details.

# Posted by Rafe in News || Comments

Some Smartphone Show Significant Statistics

Perhaps overshadowed by some of the announcements and devices at the Smartphone Show, Symbian also quietly released a lot of interesting numbers and stats. Read on for the headline figures that I've been able to dig up and comments on the Symbian world and the industry in general. Includes the latest Canalys numbers from Symbian's own licensed reports.

# Posted by Steve in News || Comments

Why Motorola and Sony Ericsson need to 'get' it

Two incidents in the last few weeks really exemplified why Motorola and Sony Ericsson just don't 'get' publicity or the press/blogosphere, in the same way that Nokia 'do'. And which of the big three is running away with all the attention and market share?

# Posted by Steve in News || Comments

Demonstrating Demand Paging in Symbian OS 9.3


Also on Symbian's stand at the Smartphone Show was this video demo of the new Demand Paging feature in Symbian OS 9.3 and above. Among other things shown was a dramatic reduction in RAM requirements for most apps and well over 30MB free RAM on the testbed vanilla Nokia N95. See below for the embedded video.

# Posted by Steve in News || Comments

ScreenPlay, FreeWay, technologies for the next 10 years


Symbian has announced two key technologies for the next generation of Symbian OS-powered smartphones, ensuring that superfast mobile broadband and complex interface, video and gaming requirements won't be a problem for the smartphones of 2008 and beyond. Read on for the full press release about the new ScreenPlay and FreeWay and for official reaction from Symbian licensees. And we'll have a video podcast up shortly with a full interview.

# Posted by Steve in News || Comments

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