Recent News - Events - Page 24

"We couldn't possibly comment"


 That's right, we couldn't possibly talk about tomorrow's big Nokia launch day in London, although other mainstream media have no such reservations. Suffice it to say that Rafe, Ewan and myself will be there in person and reporting live on any music or gaming devices, platforms or services that may (or may not) be announced and demonstrated. Watch AAS during Wednesday for more...

# Posted by Steve in News || Comments

Nokia to speak at Game Developers Conference China 2007

Nokia's Mark Ollila, one of their Games executives, is to give a speech at the Game Developers Conference China 2007, which will presumably mention their upcoming Next Gen N-Gage Games Platform that's due to open its doors to various S60 3rd Edition devices this September. GDC China takes place from 27th to 29th August in Shanghai, so it's possibly just a few days before the launch of the new platform.

# Posted by krisse in News || Comments

Nokia to sponsor GCDC 2007 game developers' conference

Nokia and their N-Gage sub-brand are sponsoring the GCDC 2007 game developers' conference, which takes place in August in Leipzig, Germany. Nokia's Next Gen Gaming Platform is due to launch shortly afterwards in September, so there should be a complete unveiling of the platform at the conference if not earlier. Nokia are also sponsoring the GDC 2007 developers conference in San Francisco in March.

# Posted by krisse in News || Comments

Nokia to sponsor Game Developers Conference Mobile 2007

Nokia is going to be one of the main sponsors of GDC Mobile, the phone game part of the Game Developers Conference. GDC and GDC Mobile take place in San Francisco from the 5th to the 7th of March 2007. Nokia's Next Generation gaming platform is due to launch across a range of S60 3rd Edition smartphones some time in the first half of 2007, so a March sponsorship of a major gaming event would seem to be well-timed.

# Posted by krisse in News || Comments

Nokia to sponsor BAFTA Games Awards 2006

According to a report on, Nokia is to be joint sponsor along with PC World of the 2006 BAFTA Games Awards. Nokia will sponsor the Gameplay award which is voted for by members of the public, and is apparently carrying the N-Gage brand. This continued support for the name implies that they're going to continue using it with their Next Gen games service due to launch in the first half of 2007 on new Nokia S60 smartphones.

# Posted by krisse in News || Comments

Nokia unveil developer details of next generation mobile gaming

Nokia is talking to developers about its next generation of mobile gaming at GDC in San Diego. The new platform, evolving out of the N-Gage, will be based on S60 and we can expect to see the first devices supporting it in the first half of 2007. Nokia is also showcasing its SNAP Mobile solution which enables online and community-based Java gaming.

# Posted by Rafe in News || Comments

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