Nokia N97 interactive demo showcases Facebook functionality

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An interactive demo has been added to the Nokia N97's product pages on the Nokia UK web site. The interactive demo showcases some of the key features of the upcoming phone, including the customisable homescreen and Facebook functionality. The demo also includes the ability to log in to your own Facebook account (using Facebook Connect) so you can see what it looks like on the N97. Read on for more details and screenshots.


The demo includes:

  • Media demo (Enjoy your media), which demonstrates the ability to capture, view and share (upload) photos and videos, listen to music and download games.
  • Homescreen demo (Personalise your homescreen), which shows how extra content can be added to the homescreen and rearranged according to your preferences.
  • Web, video and location demo (Go online), which shows the browser, the ability to watch video (Star Trek trailer) and location features (finding a local cinema).
  • Facebook widget demo (Socialise with your friends), which showcases some of the Facebook functionality including the ability to view friends status, update your own status, upload images and more. 

Here are some screenshots from the N97 demo:

Facebook home

The home view of the Facebook application. The Facebook widget includes the ability to
view Facebook messages, pokes and friend requests.

Facebook friends

The friend view lets you see status updates from your friends.

Facebook upload

The widget includes the ability to upload media to Facebook (including album and tagging support).

You can the interactive demo yourself, here, on the Nokia UK website.

See also our earlier video on the Nokia N97's homescreen and kinetic scrolling in the Web browser.

Incidentally, a number of UK retailers are starting to add the N97 to their pre-order pages. The most recent we have spotted is MobileFun (aff), who indicate a launch date of 24th June and a price of £529.95.

Rafe Blandford, AAS