Finally... the Nokia N95 hits v21!

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After much expectation in the user community, the Nokia N95 just got its Flash Lite 3/Web runtime firmware update. Although not as big an update as v20 was (which introduced demand paging and transformed the speed of the device, remember), v21.0.016 is still a major firmware and well worth installing. More details and screens below...

v21 update!

What's new for v21.0.016 (over and above v20 firmware):

  • Flash Lite 3 is included, so Flash video sites will work, including YouTube (just as on the N95 8GB v15 firmware from a couple of months ago)
  • The Web runtime is included, meaning that standalone widgets are now possible
  • Greater Bluetooth headset compatibility
  • Better handling of entering lots of text into web page dialogs
  • Speedier Gallery in every way
  • Faster Java runtime, so Java apps start faster
  • plus the usual miscellaneous bug fixes and tweaks, no doubt!


Screenshot Screenshot

YouTube video working full-screen
YouTube and other flash videos now play, here in full-screen (click on a playing video etc)

Steve Litchfield, 7am, 26 Mar 2008