Conspiracy for Good summary in video form

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Earlier this year Nokia, in conjunction with Tim Kring, created and ran a transmedia project, a gaming / story telling event across multiple participation forms. Conspiracy for Good involved play in the real world, over the Internet and on mobile phones. This YouTube video, embedded below, offers a summary of the Conspiracy for Good project. It shows not only the scale of the project, but also gives a good summary of the various games, events and activities involved. 

The video refers to Conspiracy for Good as 'Social Benefit Storytelling', noting that its resulted in building/stocking 5 libraries in Africa, funding 50 scholarships for schoolgirls and generating over 10,000 books for the Zambian libraries through 

Of course, the primary motivation for Nokia was to explore new forms of media, and how mobile technology can be used to expand the horizons of and participation in entertainment.

The project was considered a pilot, and, although Nokia have not, officially, commented on the future of the Conspiracy for Good, it does seems likely that Nokia will continue its experiments in this area, perhaps expanding the real world activities to additional cities.

If you want to know more there are many more videos on YouTube and the Conspiracy for Good website.