How to get on-screen music controls for your N8

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Sometimes you need to get to your music player fast on your touchscreen Symbian phone. You could use the multi-task bar or homescreen widget, but Fone Arena have had a look at Music Bar, which will 'temporarily ‘re-program’ one of the physical buttons on smartphones like the N8 to pop up the basic music controls on screen. It’s rough and ready, but if you must, it’ll do the job.

Fone Arena writes:

There are a lot of limitations to using Music Bar as a music controller on the N8, mostly due to the lack of many physical hardware buttons on the phone, and also due to the application not being totally adapted to Symbian^3 (Exceptions & Song Info don’t work well). But all in all, it’s miles better than the current way of dealing with Music control on Symbian on the Nokia N8.

FoneArena and Music BarFone Arena running Music Bar on top of their copy of Gravity.

More at Fone Arena, hat tip to Rita El Khoury.