YouTube Mobile hits v2.4, gets account support

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The YouTube Mobile client for S60 has gone through more versions than I've had flavours of ice cream recently, but at last the one we've all been waiting for has appeared. Version 2.4 (build 4) has full support for YouTube favourites, plus search suggestions and a revamped layout on S60 5th Edition phones like the Nokia 5800. Read on.

Screenshot Screenshot 

The new 'Sign in' button, plus dialog

Screenshot Screenshot 

The pop-up account options - not only favourites, but subs and playlists and your own uploads! And showing confirmation of some of my favourites...

Screenshot Screenshot 

The new version, 2.4, plus search suggestions!

From the press release:

"In today’s release we have added search query suggestions, ‘My Account’ support, and a new homescreen user interface that is optimized for larger screens. Now when you log into your YouTube account on our phone, you can view your favorites, subscriptions and playlists from wherever you are. Let’s say you have recently found an amazing basketball shot video and favorited it on your desktop PC. When you’re at the basketball court with your friends, all you need to do is launch the YouTube app and go to your “Favorites” to show it to them. 

Another feature that we have added is query suggestions. When you type into the YouTube search box, you get relevant suggestions. This saves on typing, which is especially useful for mobile phones where text input may be difficult.

To download the app on your Windows Mobile or Nokia S60 phone, simply visit in your phone's browser. For more information, please take a look at the YouTube Help Center."

Note that the Nokia N97 is still not showing as a supported device, irritatingly (though it should work fine), so you'll have to wait until v2.4 hits the Ovi Store. The screens above are from my trusty N96. The one below is on a 5800, from the YouTube release.

Steve Litchfield, AAS, 10 Mar 2010