Ovi Store passes one million daily downloads

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One million downloads a day. That's the popularity of the Ovi Store, reports ME News from a Nokia round-table this week. Although still in its first iteration, with a new version of the store due early in 2010, and many will comment that ring-tones and wallpapers as well as applications will be included in that number, it's a significant number.

The statement came from George Linardos, Nokia's VP of Products/Media. He also talked about how the current Ovi Store version was being used as a 'halfway house' to gather Nokia's differing products such as Mosh, Download! And Widsets into a common location to better help users find relevant content.

Finally, about 75% of the code in this new version of the store will be new code, with the last quarter replaced over the next few iterations of the code base. While the Ovi Store has had a very rough ride since launch, the information and feedback from consumers (as well as the media) will hopefully result in an improved experience for Nokia, consumers and developers in 2010.