N95 to N86 - Two years of evolution

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I've mentioned the direct lineage between N95 and N86 8MP before here on All About Symbian, so let's break this down - how far HAS Nokia come in the last two years? And how much of this distance is covered by software updates that can also be applied to the N95? In another of my device head-to-heads, I compare the N95 'classic', as it was at launch in early 2007, with the N86 8MP of mid 2009...

"Everyone agrees, even the staunchest anti-Symbian zealot, that the Nokia N95 was a game changer (just as they'd later admit that the Apple iPhone was a game changer in a different way a year later). When introduced it took the entire smartphone world up a gear in terms of raw specifications, introducing a dual-slide form factor, 5mp camera with mechanical shutter and built-in camera glass protection, VGA video recording, GPS, accelerometer, Wi-Fi and stereo speakers as standard features in top end phones. If your current phone has all of those then you've got the N95 to thank. If your current 2009 phone still can't match that list then it just emphasises how cutting edge the N95 was and indeed is."

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