N-Gage QD - What others have said.

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We've rounded up coverage from around the web of the N-Gage QD in the first week after the press launch.

One week on from the launch of the N-Gage QD, and has anyone really noticed its impact?

Ok, sure device isn't out yet, although the dozens of handsets we saw at the launch looked good and ready to go. Interestingly the coverage around the web has been mostly positive, although a few people have emphasized the lower feature count of the QD compared to the venerable Taco classic.

These chaps all said pretty positive things, even if some regurgitated the press release just a little too word for word for my tastes:

These folks were slightly negative:

Like us, a few people tried to get interviews with Ilkka Raiskinen of Nokia - The Register and Engadget carry one of these interviews, we like to think our interview is more interesting :-)

And finally we come to the trolls. For pure comedic satire (I can only assume that's what he's writing) one can't beat the infamous Jacek of MSMobiles (well, one could try if there was a big stick to hand and he wasn't in the habit of running off and hiding), we have no idea what planet Lunabean and Cherryroms are on either, Care in the community?