Top Five Symbian Role Playing Games

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If you like the scope of your games to have an epic feel, and you like running through forests to battle beasts with nothing but a wooden sword and tin shield, then you are propbably a role playing game fan. Mind you, if you were looking for 'cosplay', you should probably look at a different site! Symbian has been treated to some fanastic role playing games, especially since 3D acceleration was brought in with Symbian^3. Read on as we round up our favourite RPG titles that you can get on your Nokia today.

1. Crusade of Destiny

All About Symbian score 85%.

Crusade of Destiny is the first 3D role playing game (RPG) available for Symbian^3. It’s based in a Swords and Sorcery fantasy world, much like the highly renowned World of Warcraft Massively Multiplayer Online RPG (MMORPG). Such games can be deceptively complex, requiring complex user interfaces (UI). Read on to find out how well this type of game translates into use on a touch screen mobile phone.

In the end, I think it’s a moot point as to whether Crusade of Destiny is a good game or not. As far as RPG’s go, Dvide Arts have done a superb job.

Get Crusade of Destiny for £3.00 in the Nokia Store.

Crusade of Destiny

2. The Sims 3 HD

All About Symbian score 83%.

There are two main parts to this [review]– the gameplay and the graphics/user interface. Gameplay is exactly the same as Sims 3, already available as a Java version in the Ovi Store for 3rd and 5th Edition devices (it was also tweaked to be a Next Gen N-Gage version). What’s changed is the graphics chip and extra horsepower available under the Symbian^3 devices – which means that, rather than the limited isometric view that was on display in older handsets, the title now opens up to a much richer and textured environment.

This version of Sims is not that much different to the last iteration on Symbian handsets (which, if we’re honest, is true of every Sims game on every platform); the low level addiction was there, the quick gameplay (each real day that didn’t take up too much time, balanced off against the accelerated time passing in the game world) is pitched perfectly; and the mix of goals, personal management and fun things to do is still right in the sweet spot. Add in the larger screens, polished graphics and touch interface and this is a winner that’s improved with age.

Get The Sims 3 HD for £3.00 from the Nokia Store (reduced by 50% at the time of writing).

The Sims 3 HD

3. Extreme North

All About Symbian score 82%.

If you’re a budding explorer or have a taste for history, then Extreme North might be the title for you. It’s more than a game, it’s an interactive history lesson. Filled with short text passages and mini-games, you are taken on a voyage of discovery about Arctic exploration in both the 16th and 19th centuries. Read on to find out whether this is one history lesson that can overcome the attention span of the online generation.

Extreme North isn’t just all about reading though. Between points of interest, there are quizzes and mini-games to play too. In the case of the former, you are challenged to answer a round of four multiple choice questions. If you don’t do very well, you’re invited to repeat them. So yes, you can cheat. However, even if you keep trying every answer until you it get it right, you still end up learning what the answer is, which is what this game is all about - learning.

Overall, Extreme North isn’t a game for someone who wants that quick fire feedback and satisfaction of solving a puzzle or playing arcade games. It’s best to think of Extreme North as an interactive history book. In that way, I think this title will appeal to young and old, providing the curiosity is there in the first place.

Get Extreme North for free from the Nokia Store.

Extreme North

4. Dungeon Hunter 2 HD

All About Symbian score 80%.

Dungeon Hunter 2 tells the story of two immortal brothers, born of the Gothican king, and rivals for the throne. The world of Gothicus is a realm of swords and sorcery. You play the good brother, who is rescued from exile by Rene the preist and one of several faeries. The story is told via frequent text-based dialogues between characters, throughout the game. You reluctantly take on the quest to de-throne your evil brother Edward and put a stop to his dark-arts fuelled reign of terror over the land.

Gameloft have provided yet another graphical extravaganza with Dungeon Hunter 2. Throughout the game, we're treated to beautiful and smoothly rendered 3D graphics. Just as I said about Eternal Legacy (also by Gameloft), these graphics wouldn't have looked out of place on a games console just a few short years ago. Throughout all of the various environments in Dungeon Hunter 2, lighting is extensively used to add a real sense of atmosphere to the game. This really serves to give a signature style that differentiates it from the other big role playing game (RPG) titles available on the Ovi Store.

When I concluded my review of Eternal Legacy, I commended the graphics but felt the gameplay was limited. I then posed that as a polar opposite to the other big RPG on Symbian, Crusade of Destiny. Dungeon Hunter 2 HD has stepped in and given the best of both worlds, long lasting, engaging gameplay, coupled with beautiful graphics and music. At £3.00 it is on the pricey side, but you are truly getting a lot of game for your money. RPGs are not for everyone, but Dungeon Hunter 2 is an unashamed member of the genre which will leave hard core players with nothing to wish for but a massively multiplayer online version of the game on their phone!

Get Dungeon Hunter 2 HD for £3.00 from the Nokia Store.

Dungeon Hunter 2 HD

5. Eternal Legacy HD

All About Symbian score  63%.

Eternal Legacy tells the story of Astrian, who takes arms against the Algoadian state. Carrying a chip on his shoulder ever since Algoadian police persecuted his parents, he's on a quest to find Varsh Stones, which are the primary source of energy in their world. He's accompanied by Taric and Shira, a brother and sister from a village which has also been mistreated by the Algoadians. Finishing the party is Lysty, daughter of an Algoadian general, who joins Astrian to find out the truth about what is happening to the people her family rules.

The visuals and music in Eternal Legacy are a real treat, and I think many people will be amazed to see their 'humble' Symbian phone deftly rendering such detailed graphics so smoothly. Certainly, these graphics wouldn't have looked out of place on any of the major game consoles only a few years ago. This does of course come at the cost of battery life. I noticed from extended play sessions that a lot of energy was being lost from my C7-00 as heat. The rendering was clearly pushing the graphics accelerator.

Overall, Eternal Legacy HD is an impressive title to show off to your friends, and if you like this sort of game you'll be able to while away enough time on it. However, given they're both of equal price, Crusade of Destiny is probably the more enjoyable experience. That is unless you're a big fan of Japanese style video game art!

Get Eternal Legacy HD for £3.00 from the Nokia Store.

Eternal Legacy HD

David Gilson, 24th March 2012.