The return of SIS Store and Symbian Developers

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News from our far flung contact Michael "Mivas_Greece" about continued activity in the Symbian world - all entirely user-driven these days, of course. But worthy of note for anyone still playing (or even using day to day) Symbian. There's loads below for onward fun, including the linked site subtitle 'Symbian isn't dead yet'!


Michael writes:

"I wanted to share the news that Symbian and Sailfish developer Paul from Allstar (Starbrowser, Facebook QT Mobile etc), has just brought back the legendary Symbian-Developers website with a new url. All old posts and threads are intact and furthermore, it should be accessible from all Symbian devices too. 


It can become the new home for all Symbian community regardless if they have Telegram or Facebook. For Telegram and Facebook users though, the respective groups are still active and linked to the website too:
Welcome to No1 Telegram Group for Symbian! Pinned msg: 

Symbian FTW has 6,786 members. Welcome to the official Symbian-Developers Group! This is an open Symbian and Nokia S40 group. Enjoy posting of FREE Apps, Wallpapers and such content. »»» Official...

Despite the fact that it is not the old bright days for Symbian anymore, thanks mainly to the highly active and organized group on Telegram, which is just few months old and has more than 400 members already, we are getting more and more organized in the Symbian community, something that might bring good things in the future.

In other news, SIStore, which was down the last few months due to its expired host, is up and working properly again. Also, we have a new app in beta, GooContacts, which synchronizes all Google contacts from Google account with the phone contacts. It is from the developer of the early release of Stella Mobile, a basic jar client for Telegram."

Thanks Michael. I don't have time (or budget) for detailed exploration of all this for AAS personally, but I'm very glad that others have continued to make the OS their passion!