The headline feature here is the new email integration - actually pulled from qooMail (you'll need v1.3 of this, or later, released yesterday), which wraps the standard Symbian email access in a new UI. Here's the full changelog for qooSaver v1.2:
- show shared data from qooMail
- new layout and size options
- optional random movement of text
- new proximity modes
- configurable powersafe mode
- clock is synced
Here's the qooSaver 1.2 set-up:
And here's the result in action on the E7's AMOLED screen - pretty amazing, eh? And light years ahead of any 'glance'-type display on any other platform (cf the Nokia latest Lumias and Samsung/Motorola's latest AMOLED devices):
Highly recommended. You can buy qooSaver for £1 in the Nokia Store here, plus you'll probably also want to grab the latest version of qooWeather, which plugs into it - plus you'll need to buy qooMail as well. Yes, all commercial applications, but hardly breaking the bank and well, well worth it.