The 'qoo' applications are developing nicely into something of a suite that works cooperatively. And, in the process, opens up a few new functionality doors for Symbian users.
Here's qooSaver in action on my Nokia E7 (and yes, the graphic moves - slowly - to prevent burn-in of any kind on the AMOLED pixels):
Note the information presented in always-on fashion here, a big step up from the standard Symbian screen savers. qooSaver here is showing:
- time (a la Big Clock)
- day and date
- a custom message of my choice to onlookers(!)
- the current phone profile
- data status (e.g. 3G or Wi-fi)
- battery charge level (in percent) and whether charging is taking place (a '+' appears, if it is)
- the weather for tomorrow (note that you'll need to have at least v4.3.1 of qooWeather installed, too)
Here's qooSaver's configuration interface:
Finally, the qooWeather 'shared data' line at the bottom of the above screenshot gives lie to the coolest feature here - sharing data on the weather 'now', 'today' or 'tomorrow' from qooWeather. If I had one request, it would be for a 2 or even 3-day display to be here as well.
Highly recommended for more reasons than I can count. Run, don't walk, and buy qooSaver for £1 in the Nokia Store here (plus you'll probably also want to grab the latest version of qooWeather, which plugs into it - and I'd recommend qooMail as well, at some point (watch this space).