Getting Started with Qt: The Symbian Way

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Considering starting Qt development for Symbian? Well if you are there is an interesting series of blog posts over on that’s worth checking out. The final part is due to be posted today, probably by the time you read this post. In four relatively short posts, Salvatore Rinaldo takes you from installation of the Nokia Qt SDK, though the development of a web browser app to the installation of the app on a Symbian phone.

Part 1 of the series get started with the installation of the Nokia Qt SDK (and although Salvatore is working on a Windows PC — judging by the screenshots — remember you can use the SDK on Linux and Mac computers too.) He then provides instructions on how to create a project and add support for QtWebKit to the code and thereby create (and run in the Qt Simulator) a basic web browser app.

Next, Part 2 start to get into some “real” coding, adding a URL address bar and introducing the use of layout managers and signals and slots. If you are familiar with the callback methods used in C++, Qt’s signals and slots (where the output from one object is a “signal” that has a receiving “slot” function in the same or another object) will be something of a breath of fresh air. At the end of part 2 you will have also prepared the code to add additional widgets in part 3.

So into Part 3 and a toolbar is added to the application with a back button (which makes use of QWebHistory that automatically creates a page history) and location information. The addition of location information introduces one of the many features of the Qt APIs for Mobile Development. These APIs are the key to practical coding for mobile devices, as they enable access to a range of Symbian features such as contacts, messaging, and sensors among others.

The final part is due to be posted today and I’m reliably informed will cover the installation of the app on a Symbian phone, probably a Nokia N8.

While this series of posts won’t make you an expert Qt developer, it’s a good introduction and starting point for exploring Qt in greater depth. Well worth checking out

You can find the complete series on Salvatore Rinaldo blog page.