Review: Guitar Tuner


Ewan is completely tone-deaf - I checked the guitar after he'd tuned it using GuitarTuner, and it was perfect - this must be one powerful little application for it to have overcome that!

Author: FlyerOne

Version Reviewed: 1.0

Download / Information Link


Unfortunately, when I play the tab above, it sounds more "Sitting with Headache" rather than Hank Marvin's "Apache." What I need is a way to tune my guitar that I'm not going to lose. I need my smartphone to be truly smart and do it for me. Short of bluetooth tuning pegs, Guitar Tuner from FlyerOne will have to do.

Guitar TunerIt's such a simple appliaction. Play one string on the guitar, and a graphical needle jumps around the screen, letting you know if the note is too high or too low. Re-tune the string, repeat with the other strings, and let's get ourselves on stage!

One interesting feature is the need to restart the phone on installing it, but this is handled very nicely, with clear dialogs to follow.

There's not much else to say here. It works, there's no need for the authors to change anything, and it's definitely staying on my phone.


Additional note from Jadeviper, Ewan's wife: Ewan is completely tone-deaf - I checked the guitar after he'd tuned it using GuitarTuner, and it was perfect - this must be one powerful little application for it to have overcome that!

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