AAS Podcast #157: AAS Insight #93 - Post SEE 09, Q3 Canalys figures

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Rafe, Steve and Ewan discuss SEE 2009 one week later. The podcast also covers Q3 smartphone results from Canalys and news of Quic and Fujitsu joing the Symbian Foundation Board.

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Duration: 00:37:56

Show Notes

In this podcast, recorded a day or so before the SEE 2009 conference, we cover:    

  • Q3 Smartphone figures from Canalys
  • Fujitsu and Quic join the board of the Symbian Foundation

  • SEE 2009 retrospective and media reaction (Rafe rants a bit)
  • N97 v20 firmware comments and thoughts from Steve
  • Closure on N-Gage - thoughts and comments from Ewan and Steve

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