Over and above the original firmware (which had a huge changelog over the stock Nokia software), we now have:
- Fixed some bugs we found in original FW that was done by Nokia, for example if flash original last FW or make hard reset and after that open preinstalled Adobe PDF LE app, default zoom in settings will be about 5xxxxxx%, now that and some other faults fixed;
- The standard OVi standby mode is replaced by the more functional one from the Nokia 6760 Slide, where exist only application shortcuts, 8 calendar notes and E-Mail client, also exist some more standby modes to choose one that will cover all needs;
- Built-in with restriction on exceptionally viewing documents "QuickOffice v4.1.73", updated to full-featured retail version 6.2.217 from E-series phones, with the possibility of their creation and editing;
- To turn off the red LED during photo and video shooting, you need to activate the added "RemoveRedLED" patch in the built-in "ROMPatcher Plus v3.1";
- Built-in full support for SHA-2 certificates and added new root certificates, which is necessary for full-fledged work in the modern Internet;
- SymbianWorld icon pack updated with some more icons for 3rd party apps. Now it's more complete and good looking;
- Original equaliser settings a bit changed. Now music in headphones sounds better than on default settings;
- For the flash use built-in program button "Flashlight". It's stable operation is guaranteed only when you activate and deactivate app from the menu, and only the central navigation key. If U want extra features go and buy PhoneTorch from Harald Meyer for OS9.3: http://www.phonetorch.com/wb/
- CFW can be flashed via J.A.F. or Phoenix (just delete red content file in Phoenix settings, all CRC32 checksums fitted to original FW files, so Phoenix is ok too).
This is the final version of CFW for N86. On this build, N86 is now the most fast and powerfull cameraphone from all S60v3 OS9.3 device lineup also still good for Web browsing via Opera Mobile/Opera Mini.. :)
Also, just s little note - SymbianWorld CFW was developed mainly for N86 White. Productivity of White/Indigo devices on this CFW is the same, the chosen Ui icons (theme) is a matter of taste.Original Nokia White and Indigo themes also exist. But for those who have N86 Indigo device for maximum expirience better use this theme: IND190.Midori.Blue.Pro.Theme.v1.00(0).SymbianOS9.X.Signed.zip
Here's official iND190 9.x build for S60v3/S60v5 and S^3 for those who care. The collage also inside. So, it's just a little bonus. :)
To download this firmware for the N86, grab: Nokia_N86_8MP_(RM-484)_30.009_05XXXXX_CFW_Symbian_World_v2.0-BodyZ.zip
All bets are off in terms of tech support and help, mind you. It's assumed that you know how to use JAF or Phoenix and the requisite flashing tools. If you don't then.... best stay away!!