All Benarom games now free

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Good to see yet another developer seeing sense in Symbian's twilight years and making his applications free to all, without ads.  In this case it's Benarom Games, developers of BR Pipes Qt (which I reviewed here), releasing this title and three others (Brick Artillery, Colored Tiles, Plus or Minus) in self-signed and unsigned form (for installation on all, and custom firmware, phones respectively).

Here's what Benarom Games had to say:

As we know Symbian app submission to Nokia/Ovi Store is already terminated, and there is no way to update apps, and the only available distribution channels are dedicated sites, plus also app signing can be problematic. I would like to inform you that all our Qt based games are going to be totally free from now, in-app ads will be removed and no internet connection will be needed to play them.

The games may be distributed on any site as long as there is information about the developer and a link to our website.

The games are Br Pipes Qt Free, Brick Artillery, Colored Tiles, and Plus or Minus, all Zipped up here as self signed SIS installers. And here as unsigned SIS installers

Screenshot, Benarom gameScreenshot, Benarom gameScreenshot, Benarom gameScreenshot, Benarom game

The self-signed versions have the quirk that multiplayer may not work (games create player ID based on IMEI and getting it with self-signed isn't possible), while the unsigned versions have everything fully working, but you do need to be able to install anything by virtue of having a patched phone or using custom firmware.

Benarom Games also notes:

Games need Qt 4.7.3 and doesn't contain installer so if you dont have some necessary libs, you must install them manually. (You may download any of these games from Nokia Store first - those versions contain Smart Installer). You also need to uninstall/delete current Store-installed versions of games, since there are differences in code signing.

Thanks guys. See also Benarom on Facebook and on the Web.