SymbianOS community support on Telegram

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A rare post here on this long forgotten OS, but there ARE people still having lots of fun playing with Symbian-powered phones, notably the mighty Nokia 808. There have been various Symbian enthusiast forums over the years, but I wanted to note that there's now one on Telegram, the popular group chat application. Ironically, there's only fledgling access to Telegram on Symbian itself, so you'd have to have another smartphone on another OS, but I suspect that even Symbian die-hards have something else on hand in 2020, so this shouldn't be a problem.

Regular contact Michael "Mivas_Greece" says, of the new group:

"I have great news regarding Symbian! There was discussion with other people mainly from windowsphone groups on Telegram regarding Symbian community, and in the end, one, Matthias, initiated a group. Me, and a few other people from windowsphone groups joined as co-admins and prepared a quite organized international group I would say, with all important links and resources in one place. We also have Max from the new Delight/OVI/SIStore as co-admin, he provided us with resources from the temporarily broken SIStore (archive is saved, but server is down, Brian will try to switch to a free server and restore SIStore too).

We still have a premature, java Telegram client, "Stella Mobile", but there might be other options in the future too.

It is really amazing the demand for a Symbian community, today in the morning we made the group public and in less than 12 hours, we are about 100 members already! I think this is quite exciting!"

Thanks Michael!

You can check out the new Symbian support group and its resources here: (the link will open in any Telegram client on your current device). As I had a Windows phone to hand with the Unigram client loaded, here are screenshots from that(!):


Source / Credit: Telegram