Adventlands is full of bubbles

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You've heard of bubble popping games, possibly even of bubble dragging games. This has both elements, along with a stereo soundtrack, evil 'bosses' and a wide variety of splash screens and backgrounds. Welcome to... Adventlands.

Here's the game in action:

Screenshot, Adventlands

As you progress in Adventlands, you unlock more areas/backdrops...

Screenshot, Adventlands

The game, interestingly, has a number of different interstitial loading screens - here's a random example...

Screenshot, Adventlands

At the start of each level, your bubble targets are made clear, in this case popping 5 yellow bubbles before the time runs out and while eating (swiping towards your character) bubbles of all other colours....

Screenshot, Adventlands

The built-in help screens try to help make sense of the scoring and game mechanics, though do note the poor English throughout, e.g. 'exploits' for 'explodes'!

Screenshot, Adventlands

Here's main game in action, then, with you flicking bubbles you want to eat back at your character, and tapping on bubbles you want to explode.

Screenshot, Adventlands

Some of your bubble targets will be combinations of colours, with this interstitial screen providing a helpful (if brief) crib sheet...

Screenshot, Adventlands

Starting one of the 'boss' levels....

Screenshot, Adventlands

One novel touch is a direct YouTube link to a tutorial video...

Screenshot, Adventlands

This works rather well and I'd like to see more games take the same approach.

Screenshot, Adventlands

One of the freeze-frames from the tutorial video, again showing some very poor English (the developers are Spanish and there's the opening option to play in that language, too)

It's different, it's well implemented and may just take your fancy? You can buy Adventlands for £1.50 here in the Nokia Store.

Source / Credit: Nokia Store