Here's part of his standard retro unboxing (for the original high-res photos, shot on the Nokia 808, see the original article):
In fact, the last shot shows you best how white it actually is. Like I said the lamp in my kitchen isn’t as white as I’d like to for a shoot like this, but I think gave you a good impression of what the N86 looks like, and I hope I’ll have brought back some sweet memories with some of you.
I’ve just recently fallen in love with this small N86. I never owned one before and now, years later, I discovered it to be a very charming device. And: it has a pretty good cam too.
All good stuff. I was struck also by some of the comments to Marc's piece. Here's one:
*Interesting factoid* The keys were clear plastic, and printed from the underside, meaning you could never scratch the paint off
I certainly didn't know that - and short of taking the keypad apart or hacking at it from the front, I guess there's no way to verify this. Cool, though!
And this:
Of interest, the next version was going to have an optical navigation key with the name N87. But it got cancelled in development.
And there was a helpful link to GSMArena's page on this (cancelled) N87 - again, I'd forgotten all about this. But check out the specs and photos reproduced below - I'd have signed up for this in a heartbeat. 2.8" AMOLED display, optical trackpad, 12 megapixels and Xenon flash, plus the other N86 specs. Wow.