Rafe Blandford featured on Phones Show Chat

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Our very own Rafe Blandford was the first guest in the latest programme in my Phones Show Chat podcast, which is worth catching as he and the rest of the panel chat for around an hour about their top smartphones but mainly general aspects of smartphone hardware and software design.

Rafe Blandford

In fact, here's Phones Show Chat 169 embedded, for your convenience:

Listen using the player here:

You might also prefer to grab the MP3 directly or even subscribe to the RSS feed in your podcatcher for automated grabbing in the future?

PS. By a coincidence, our own David Gilson was the guest on the show the week before - see the link above and scroll down or grab the MP3 directly.

And, while Rafe, David and I (plus Ewan) are all here, let us take the opportunity to wish you all again a very happy Christmas and a great New Year break!

Source / Credit: Phones Show Chat podcast