(Run like) The Wolf HD - smooth but hard

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Deciding whether to highlight a game on All About Symbian often depends on how I get on with it. But I'll make an exception here - The Wolf HD is polished and smooth and has clearly had some love lavished on it - but I just can't play it. After a minute or so of swiping, my wolf becomes a cropper, every time. How are your reactions and strategy? Do you think you can keep your wolf running and jumping and 'smearing' (for want of a better term) - comments welcome!

Here's the game in action:

Screenshot, The Wolf HD

The main menu, with animated arrow pointing to the 'i' button, for help/information...

Screenshot, The Wolf HD

Controls are four swipes, in each direction, for faster/slower/jump/magic, and with various combinations of swiping in one direction after a different swipe (e.g. swiping forwards after jumping up)

Screenshot, The Wolf HD

Then it's off into the night, trying to keep running while not piling into a oncoming vertical obstacle. The blue pellets are energy pills of some kind. Got to keep your strength up! The background scrolls past rather attractively....

Screenshot, The Wolf HD

That's about as far as I got - how far could you achieve?

Screenshot, The Wolf HD

There's a shopping module on the main menu, with these buttons inside. Presumably, once you've run far enough and built up your bonus points, you can trade them in for various upgrades? If I could only get far enough to afford any of them!!...

The Wolf HD is £1 in the Nokia Store.

Source / Credit: Nokia Store