Firstly, from my original tutorial:
Here's how to get started:
- In Web on your modern Symbian smartphone, type in - don't worry, you only have to do this once!
- You'll be asked to sign into Google (if you're not already) in Web. Do so. Again, this is something you won't have to do every time, as the appropriate cookie will keep you logged in. You'll then be at the front screen of the HTML5 version of Google+, showing the default view, 'Stream'.
- Bookmark this by tapping on the star (or bookmark) icon in the Belle browser and then on '+'. Accept the form by tapping on 'More'>'Save' as you'd expect (or, under the Belle FP2 browser, tap on 'Back' and then say 'Yes' to saving it). You're done.
The Google+ HTML5 site on Symbian Web isn't outstandngly fast, it has to be admitted, the amount of javascript means that you have to wait a few seconds on some pages, while everything loads up, plus you have to avoid the temptation to tap on any of the 'furniture' icons at the very top of the main screen, since these parcel you off to other parts of the Google mobile web empire where things aren't as impressive. But... it does all work.
Now, in addition to the screens and functions described in the tutorial, Google has added swipe detection in two of the main views. OK, this sounds a little trivial but in the photo gallery sections in particular, swiping from snap to snap is so much more enjoyable than button tapping.