Derivatives and Integrals

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Here's another in our series of 'take one for the team' mini-reviews of commercial applications, i.e. which you can't try out for yourself for free. In this case, it's a maths aid, taking me right back to calculus modules in A level Further Maths (32 years ago!) and looks like a useful memory jogger, though as an application it does actually do very much...

The scenario is that you (like me, back in the 70s!) learned all about Calculus (mainly the eponymous Derivatives and Integrals) at school or college - they're tremendously useful at applying maths theory to the physical world, a world where properties change over time, where everything's constantly decaying or evolving. 

Fundamental to calculus are remembering some of the main formulae and results - even hardened mathematicians don't have to derive each from first principles each time! You might choose to try and commit all the main ones to memory or you might carry around a laminated card with the ones you need. Or you might install Derivatives and Integrals on your Symbian smartphone.

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The app is basically seven introductory screens (three for derivatives and four for integrals), reminding you of what the terms mean and with a few diagrams and examples, followed by ten screens of reminders of the relevant formulae, presented in table or equation form, as needed.

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Within each section of the app, tapping on the finger icons in the toolbar pages to the previous or next page, while the (tappable) top tab bar reminds you of exactly where you are in terms of the categories.

Derivatives and Integrals is fine as far as it goes and may indeed be a useful set of calculus reminders for scientists and engineers. In truth, at only £1 in the Nokia Store it's not a huge purchase and a price that's not worth worrying about. Having said that, it doesn't currently do much that a few well crafted static web pages or a Word file couldn't do - I'd have liked to have seen some extras included: links to recommended calculus web sites, numerical analysis sites or modules, that sort of thing.

Source / Credit: Nokia Store