Recent News - N-Gage - Page 62

The Games Kitchen - A New Mobile Gaming Portal

The Games Kitchen is a new mobile games channel: think of it as a cross between Yahoo!, Amazon and Xbox Live. Is there scope for a place where people can not only get games, but also talk about them, watch their high-scores and generally take part in a community? Well, this company thinks so, and this is the something which has been strangely lacking from games for mobile phones (aprt from Nokia's N-Gage Arena). The site will be available for use via the desktop and via the mobile.

# Posted by Ewan in News || Comments

N-Gage Will Destroy Nokia?

Okay, maybe a bit of an over-simplification, but Scott Miller has one of the most devastating critiques of Nokia's Management and the effect the N-Gage could have on the Finnish Mobile Phone Company. Grab a coffee, get reading, and see if you agree with him.

# Posted by Ewan in News || Comments

John Romero on the N-Gage 2

This Russian article has John Romero (he made Doom, y'know) discussing the N-Gage 2, and how all the design problems of the current N-Gage have been fragged. Nokia's comment: "It is too early now to say something about any exact plans." Thanks Finland, couldn't you at least connfirm backwards compatibilty so current users know that their investment in the platform will still be supported?

# Posted by Ewan in News || Comments

SmartMovie (Series60)

SmartMovie is a video player for your mobile device, with counterpart PC converter utility. With the converter, you may prepare any video clip for playback on your mobile device.SmartMovie features the xvid codec and subtitles!

# Posted by Rafe in News || Comments

New N-Gage Game: Crash Nitro Kart

Nokia have announced the forthcoming availability of Crash Nitro Kart from Vivendi Universal. The game is a cartoon style 3D kart racing game. You can shadow race in the N-Gage arena or play four player over bluetooth.

# Posted by Rafe in News || Comments

2 new titles from Sega: Virtua Cop and Alien Front

Nokia and Sega have announced two new titles for the N-Gage. Virtua Cop is a mulitplayer first person shooter (your job is to bring down an evil crime syndicate). Alien Front has you take command of futuristic tanks to defend the earth from aliens. Alien Front has a Bluetooth death-match mode and supports N-Gage Arena.

# Posted by Rafe in News || Comments

N-Gage 2.0 for E3 Rumour.

The N-Gage is being dropped from 450 of the GameStop stores in the USA according to this Games Industry article. Although GameStop is not compeletely getting rid of the N-gage the device has largely been considered a failure and this has lead to speculation that Nokia will unveil an N-Gage 2 at the E3 show in May. Perhaps this is also the reason why the N-Gage is being sold off cheap in the UK?

# Posted by Rafe in News || Comments

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